AFRL/RY - COMPASE - Test and Evaluation

COMPASE test and evaluation logo 
The Sensor's Directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RY) is a nationally recognized leader in developing and supporting  sensor  technology. To promote and mature sensor exploitation technology research, AFRL has formed the COMPrehensive Assessment of Sensor Exploitation (COMPASE) Center. The COMPASE Center - Test and Evaluation aids the DoD decision-makers by analyzing emerging sensor exploitation technology and determining their potential usefulness. Resources include access to large databases of operational and laboratory data and the computational means to perform statistically significant experiments. The COMPASE Center has provided independent evaluation support to over 50 programs since 1999.

Helping the sensor exploitation community understand where they are and where they're heading.

Improved Performance with T&E
COMPASE-T&E performs, coordinates layered sensing technology evaluations and related activities, such as data collection, experiment design, metric definition, and tool development and produces objective assessments. Our data collection capability are proven methods for planning, collecting the data, and linking to other programs for resource sharing and piggyback testing for cost savings. We are devoted to monitoring and guiding the direction of sensor exploitation research. We maintain a repository of metrics, experiments, software tools, results, and analyses. We develop, maintain and communicate our understanding of the state-of-the-art (SotA) and art-of-the-possible (AotP).

What we can do for you
  • Understand needs / goals for your technology under development
  • Measure, inform and guide your sensor exploitation development
  • Quantify the State of the Art (SotA) and Art of the Possible (AotP)
What COMPASE-T&E Provides
  • Independent Assessment
  • Feedback to Technology Programs
  • Maturity/Mission Assessments
  • Community Standards
  • Data Collection Support
Established Processes Lead to Consistent Performance Assessment
EXPERIMENT DESIGNexperiment design graphic
Determine evaluation data and test requirements, develop experiments, determine operating conditions and metrics to meet program requirements.
DATA COLLECTION AND data collection graphicSUPPORT
Plan and implement target scene layout and operating conditions, and sensor modes and geometry profiles. Collect and report ground truth data.
DATA CHARACTERIZATIONdata characterization graphic
Analyze sensor data with focus on operating condition performance; partition data into training and testing sets; develop problem sets; support experiments.
algorithm test graphicALGORITHM HOST & TEST
Install algorithms and verify hosting with developers. Execute experiments / tests and capture results.
analysis and scoring graphicANALYSIS AND SCORING
Score, analyze and interpret test results using performance metrics in experiment operating conditions content. Present results to the program and community as appropriate.
Use test results and performance metrics to support development of performance models.

Spectrum of Sensor Technology

Layered sensing modalities
Layered sensing levels/functions/modalities: airborne or overhead, sensor management, ISR, persistent surveillance, wide-area motion imagery (WAMI), NFOV imagery, FMV, LIDAR, MTI, SIGINT, etc.

Exploitation processes and techniques
Image formation and focusing, georegistration, multi-INT fusion, multi-sensor fusion, 3D extraction and visualization, context reasoning, change detection, forensics analysis, etc.

Exploitation objectives
Site monitoring, situational awareness, network node detection, IED detection, target (dismount, vehicle or weapon system) detection, ID and tracking, etc.

Exploitation objectives graphic

Unbiased and Thorough, COMPASE-T&E is Independent Sensor Exploitation Technology Assessment