AFOSR - Worldwide Offices





International Office  |  International Office North |  Asian Office  |  European Office  |  Southern Office

To enhance AFOSR's research portfolio with the latest scientific and engineering advancements around the world, the International Office (AFOSR/IO) consists of four geographically strategic divisions. The European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), in London, United Kingdom, provides coverage of Europe, the Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa; the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), in Tokyo, Japan, has an area of responsibility that includes Asia, India, and Pacific Rim countries, including Australia and New Zealand; the Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development (SOARD), in Santiago, Chile, provides coverage throughout the Latin American region; and the International Office North (AFOSR/ION), as part of AFOSR in Arlington, VA, serves as the Washington DC liaison for AFOSR's international activities.

The mission of the International Office is to discover world-class fundamental research of interest to the US Air Force, and to bridge and build mutually beneficial relationships between scientists overseas and scientists in the United States that will result in the acceleration of S&T achievement.  The three overseas divisions accomplish this mission by way of three main programs:


  • The Window-On-Science (WOS) program is an invitational program for prominent international scientists to visit and meet with scientists in the Air Force Research Laboratory.  Visitors provide a seminar on their research activity, and have the opportunity to engage in technical discussions with their Air Force counterparts.
  • The Conference Support Program (CSP) is designed to provide financial support for overseas workshops and conferences that are in scientific areas of interest to the Air Force.  These meetings are attended by AFRL personnel, and offer the opportunity for international discovery and interchange.
  • The Research Grants and Contracts program directly funds research overseas.  Proposals in response to the AFOSR Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) are accepted year-round and evaluated by AFOSR Program Officers and Air Force researchers.  Grants may be single or multi-year, and grants may be for stand-alone research, or may supplement existing research efforts.

The International Office also administers the Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP) for the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs.  This program allows Air Force scientists and engineers to spend up to two-years as researchers in defense laboratories overseas, and allows scientists and engineers from overseas defense laboratories to do research in Air Force facilities in the US.  In addition, the International Office administers the Window-on-the-World (WOW) program, allowing AF scientists and engineers to do research in overseas universities and other non-government institutes for up to six months.

Finally, the International Office combines these tools with site visits and data mining to develop comprehensive strategies, programs, and initiatives to maximize the return on AFOSR's overseas investments.



Optimal International Investment for AFRL Research and Development 

Mission Statement
The AFRL International Office (AFOSR/ION) in Arlington, VA, provides strategic advice, technical expertise, information, and liaison services in support of the development and maintenance of AFRL's international programs and activities.

ION recognizes all organizations involved as customers in the strategic planning, development, and execution of AFRL international activities. These organizations include all ten AFRL Technology Directorates and Corporate Board, the AFRL Research Council, SAF/IA, SAF/AQ, DDR&E, and others.

Duties of AFOSR/ION include, but are not limited to:

  • monitoring international policy changes and distributing relevant news within the AFRL;
  • providing direct support to the AFRL in development of international plans and programs;
  • supporting efforts to explore new areas of potential international cooperation; providing advice, information, and contacts on issues regarding export control and disclosure;
  • interfacing with U.S. and foreign governmental organizations on behalf of the AFRL Technology Directorates;
  • assisting the Technology Directorates in the development and maintenance of international interactions;
  • maintaining a comprehensive database of AFRL international research activities; and
  • acting as the liaison office for engagement of Western Hemisphere foreign countries.


Located in Tokyo, Japan, the mission of the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) is to integrate and support AFRL fundamental research with discoveries of emerging foreign science. AOARD's geographical area of responsibility includes Asia and Pacific Rim countries, to include India and Australia.

AOARD's primary focus is to discover and facilitate the discovery of world-class fundamental research relevant to Air Force needs. This is accomplished by three main programs:

Window-on-Science (WOS) Program
AOARD facilitates many technical interchange opportunities through our travel grant program called "Window-on-Science." Travel grants are provided to researchers from Asia, Australia or New Zealand to visit Air Force research organizations such as AFRL or AFOSR. Visits under this program are typically short term (3-10 days). The lead time required arranging a WOS visit is normally 45 days. The WOS visitor agrees to travel to the US, delivers a seminar, and engage in technical discussions with Air Force laboratory scientists. Upon return, the visitor will submit a written report describing the visit. The grant is paid upon receipt of the visit report. The grant is for a fixed dollar value, not for reimbursement of all travel expenses. Travel may be combined with non-WOS visits and the researcher is free to combine this grant with other travel support from other organizations.

Conference Support Program (CSP) 
AOARD promotes technical interchange by supporting conferences and workshops in Asia and the Pacific Rim Region on topics of interest to the Air Force Research Laboratory. Proposed conferences and symposia should be beneficial to the science and technology communities of both the U.S. and Asia. Proposals which emphasize participation of the Air Force Research Laboratory are highly encouraged. Conference funding support can be provided for stand-alone events such as workshops or small conferences or for an individual session or symposia within a larger conference.

Research Grants and Contracts
AOARD accepts research proposals from scientists, universities and research institutions in Pacific Rim Countries and surrounding areas, in response to a general solicitation called AFOSR Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs). AOARD Program Managers review the research proposal, and coordinates evaluation, approval and grant award.  

How to contact AOARD

If you have any questions on the three programs, please send an email to  or call +81-3-5410-4409 (Japan).

Download the AOARD brochure for more information. 


The mission of the European Office of Aerospace Research & Development (EOARD) is to discover, shape, and champion basic science of Air Force interest through collaborations with the scientific community in Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa. We accomplish this through three primary activities:

  1. Funding basic research through grants and contracts
  2. Supporting technical conferences and workshops
  3. Providing assistance for international scientists to engage AFRL and its partners

We are located in London along with the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) and the U.S. Army International Technology Center-Atlantic (USAITCA), which perform similar functions for our sister Services. Since 1952, our organization has helped thousands of European investigators, including Nobel Prize winners in Physics and Chemistry, perform ground-breaking research.

Applying for Funding

The basic research interests of the US Air Force are outlined in AFOSR's Broad Agency Announcement, which is typically updated annually. You are encouraged to discuss potential research or conference support directly with one of our Program Officers (see section below). For research projects, short white papers (1-2 pages) including estimated duration and budget are encouraged to solicit interest and refine scope as necessary. Please submit conference support requests no later than 6 months prior to the start of the event in order to evaluate and process in time.

Our Program Officers will provide a guide which includes all information necessary to submit proposals, register your institution for US Government funding (may be a lengthy process, so early involvement is key), and submit necessary forms for financial and contracting purposes. You can request this guide from any of our Program Officers as needed.

How to Contact Us
EOARD Program Officers are assigned by technology area, as listed below.

Aeronautical Sciences

  • Information Technology
  • Lasers & Electro-Optics
  • Life Sciences & Human Effectiveness
  • Materials & Nanotechnology
  • Physics
  • Electromagnetics
  • Space Technology

For general inquiries, please email

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve our interactions with the research community.

Download the EOARD brochure for more information.


The Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development (SOARD) is the branch of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's International Office (AFOSR/IO) responsible for managing the AFOSR's basic research activity in Central and South America. Its mission is to serve as the U.S. Air Force liaison with the scientific and engineering communities of the region by supporting research goals of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) through a variety of international programs. The main programs are:

  • Window-on-Science (WOS) Program -The WOS program facilitates AFRL/AFOSR policy to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between USAF researchers and foreign researchers. The program helps to sponsor visits of distinguished foreign scientific and technological personnel whose work is of interest or currently receiving funding support from AFRL/AFOSR. Please contact the Americas Program Manager via email at or for more information. 
  • Conference Support Program (CSP) - The Conference Support Program (CSP) provides financial support to technical conferences and workshops within SOARD's geographical area of responsibility. SOARD's goals is to provide sponsorship to Conferences, Workshops, or Seminars of specific interest to USAF Researchers. 

    As a condition of CSP support, SOARD requires AFRL/AFOSR participation with free conference registration for a negotiated number of attendees, copies of all conference materials and proceedings, and recognition of AFOSR support in conference literature. If you have any questions, please contact the Americas Program Manager via email at or
  • Research Contracts and Grants Program -SOARD's Research Grant Program acts as seed money to initiate collaborations between scientists from Latin America and the Air Force Research Laboratory.  Initial grants are typically on the order of US$25,000 to US$35,000 per year from 1 to 3 years. Projects are selected based on specific interests as outlined in the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). There are usually more qualified projects than funds available to pay, therefore the program favors those projects most likely to be of interest to AFOSR program managers or Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) scientists. If you have any questions, please contact the Americas Program Manager via email at or

Foreign recipients of Conference Support (CSP) and Research Grants and Contracts must have a NATO Commercial and Governmental Entity (NCAGE) Code assigned before they can receive funding from the US government. If your organization does not already have a NCAGE assigned you may register here.

Please note that the NCAGE is tied to the payment process and it must be issued in the name of the organization that will receive payment and cash the check. 

You may proceed with submission of the proposal and provide the NCAGE when you are officially notified that the proposal will be funded. 

As you explore this website, you'll find a description of our international activities and our available services. For general inquiries about SOARD and its programs, send your email to or