AFOSR - Chemistry and Biological Sciences CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (RTB2) The Chemistry and Biological Sciences Team is responsible for research activities in chemistry and biological sciences. A wide range of fundamental chemistry, biology, mechanics, and biophysics research is supported to provide the Air Force with novel options to increase performance and operational flexibility. Research carried out within this team will help usher in revolutionary new technologies that will fundamentally change the way future Air Force weapon systems are designed and implemented. This research effort will endeavor to identify chemical and biological mechanisms, structures, and systems with the potential to inspire future technology in all Air Force systems. Understanding these mechanisms, structures and systems at a fundamental level will accelerate advances in energy technology, control of complex systems, sensors and sensory systems, and materials engineering. The focus is on complex materials, microsystems and structures and well as systems of a biological natural by incorporating hierarchical design of mechanical and functional properties from the nanoscale through the mesoscale, ultimately leading to controlled well-understood chemistry/biochemistry, and material or structural behavior capable of dynamic functionality and/or performance characteristics to enhance mission versatility. In addition to research into underlying materials/biomaterials and fundamental physical/biophysical processes, this area considers how they might be integrated into new classes of devices and pursues a fundamental understanding of materials that are not amenable to conventional computational means. Finally, the energy extraction and storage efforts addresses the characterization, synthesis, and utilization of fundamental energy sources, ranging from novel molecular configurations to photoelectric stimulated mitochondria and solid rocket motor propellants infused with performance improving nano-energetic particles. The Chemistry and Biological Sciences (AFOSR/RTB2) Program Officers and topics are: Biophysics Human Performance and Biosystems Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Microsystems Molecular Dynamics and Theoretical Chemistry Natural Materials and Systems Organic Materials Chemistry Space Biosciences Our research areas of interest are described in detail below: BIOPHYSICS Program Description: This program encompasses fundamental experimental and theoretical Biophysics research that is primarily focused on studies of bio-molecular and atomic imaging below the diffraction limit, bioelectricity, electromagnetic stimulation, and quantum biology. We are concerned then, with the study of physical biology with the aim of answering fundamental and basic physics questions through the application of the principles and methods of physical sciences to achieve novel and innovative solutions in biology and physics. The relatively recent emergence of biophysics as a scientific discipline may be attributed to the spectacular success of biophysical tools born out of physics that have allowed us to unravel the complex atomic/molecular structures found in DNA and RNA. More recently areas of interest in Biophysics include, but are not limited to bio-molecular imaging while preserving structure and functionality, electromagnetic bioeffects and quantum biology. These research areas are selected for their potential to support technological advances in application areas of interest to the United States Air Force including biologically inspired new innovative and novel materials, autonomy, human performance, Directed Energy, and enhanced computational development for future Air Force needs. Basic Research Objectives: This is a multidiscipline collaborative basic research effort that meets scientifically meritorious rigor in the area of Biophysics. We seek to directly or indirectly support the efforts of the Air Force Research Laboratories ongoing in house research in Biophysics and Human Performance. We seek to explore new areas in applied mathematics, physics, optics and biology by working in the sub-areas of bio-molecular imaging, electromagnetic bioeffects, and quantum biology. New emerging scientific areas may enable precise excitation modulation of distinct atoms and molecules associated with living material to track activity of molecular processes; for controlling cellular signaling processes. Functional projections of intracellular signal pathways at the atomic/molecular level within mammalian cells, with high temporal accuracy and reversible neuromodulation are of fundamental interest in this portfolio. Electromagnetic bioeffects associated with Directed Energy Weapons remains at the forefront of Air Force science and technology interest associated with emerging new technologies, development, and deployment. The interest here is to understand fundamental atomic/molecular mechanisms associated with electromagnetic perturbation that occur below damage thresholds and may give insight into new novel means of human performance enhancement, biological control, and man machine interface. Recent work has found that rapid change in temperature from the IR laser stimulation reversibly alters the electrical capacitance of the plasma membranes of a cell and depolarization of the membrane can results in real measurable action potentials. This capacitance is established by the spatial distributions of ions near the plasma membrane surface and underlies the mechanism responsible for the voltage waves in the Soliton theory of action potentials. This program coordinates multi-disciplinary experimental research with mathematical, neuromorphic, and computational modeling to develop the basic scientific foundation to understand and emulate sensory information systems in natural acoustic, visual, and sensorimotor systems. Proposers are welcome to explore competitive research ideas that may include collaborations in the Americas, Asia Pacific, the European Union and others. You are highly encouraged to contact our Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to briefly discuss the current state-of-the-art, how your research would advance it, and the approximate cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort, and if there are any specific submission target dates. DR. SOFI BIN-SALAMON, AFOSR/RTB2 E-mail: HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND BIOSYSTEMS Program Description: The U.S. Air Force is currently interested in improving human capabilities through the development of advanced human-machine interfaces and the establishment of direct methods used to augment human performance. The primary goal for this program is to gain a better understanding of the biophysical, biochemical, and physiological mechanisms responsible for the behavioral, genetic, cellular, tissue and systems changes resulting from various forms of perturbation. Additionally, a sensory systems focus has been added to this program and the emphasis is on developing the basic scientific foundation to understand and emulate sensory information systems. Emphasis is on (a) acoustic information analysis, especially in relation to human auditory perception, and (b) sensory and sensorimotor systems that enable 3-D airborne navigation and control of natural flight, e.g., in insects or bats, especially in relation to capabilities of autonomous biological systems not yet emulated in engineered flight. Basic Research Objectives: This program is interested in defining the mechanisms (biological, cognitive, genetic, neural, physiological, etc.) associated with enhancing human capabilities as well as understanding the associated biomarkers, bio-circuits, bioelectric and connection pathways involved with increasing performance capabilities especially as they relate to aircrew member performance. In addition, this program aims to explore natural and synthetic processes, mechanisms and/or pathways for understanding energy production in Biosystems. We are also interested in understanding the variables of fatigue and toxicology as they relate to performance decrement in the aviation environment, i.e., exploring the bio-circuitry, biochemical and molecular pathways and processes that generate signals associated with fatigue or performance changes. We wish to define and understand the biomarkers and genetic changes associated with human performance after the administration of toxicological agents, specific interest in toxicology mechanisms that may or may not exhibit toxic effects at a minimal dose level and toxicological effects of flight line equipment. Proposals aimed at understanding synthetic biological processes as they relate to energy production in Biosystems will be accepted. We have a specific interest in understanding organelles, cells, tissues or systems perturbed with Acoustic, Photo, Electric or Magnetic energy. For the sensory systems portion of the portfolio a goal is to pursue new capabilities in acoustic analysis, to enhance the intelligibility and usefulness of acoustic information. The primary approach is to discover, develop, and test principles derived from an advanced understanding of cortical and sub-cortical processes in the auditory brain. Included are efforts to model and control effects of noise interference and reverberation, understand the psychoacoustic basis of informational masking, develop new methods for automatic speech detection, classification, and identification, and enable efficient 3-D spatial segregation of multiple overlapping acoustic sources. Signal analysis methods based upon purely statistical or other conventional “blind source” approaches are not as likely to receive support as approaches based upon auditory system concepts that emphasize higher-level neural processes not yet fully exploited in engineered algorithms for acoustic information processing. Applicants are encouraged to develop collaborative relationships with scientists in the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Another program goal is to deepen the scientific understanding of the sensory and sensorimotor processes that enable agile maneuvering and successful spatial navigation in natural flying organisms. Emphasis is on the discovery of fundamental mechanisms that could be emulated for the control of small, automated air vehicles, yet have no current analogue in engineered systems. Recent efforts have included investigations of information processing in wide field-of-view compound eye optics, receptor systems for linear and circular polarization sensing, and mathematical modeling of invertebrate sensorimotor control of path selection, obstacle avoidance and intercept/avoidance of moving targets. All of these areas link fundamental experimental science with neuromorphic or other mathematical implementations to generate and test hypotheses. Current efforts also include innovations in control science to explain and emulate complex behaviors, such as aerial foraging and swarm cohesion, as possible outcomes of simpler sensory-dominated behaviors with minimal cognitive support. You are highly encouraged to contact our Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to briefly discuss the current state-of-the-art, how your research would advance it, the approximate cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort, and if there are any specific submission target dates. DR. PATRICK O. BRADSHAW, AFOSR/RTB2 E-mail: MECHANICS OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND MICROSYSTEMS Program Description: The main goals of this program are (a) to integrate newly emerging materials, nanoscale devices and microsystems into multifunctional structures with revolutionary impact on multiple figures of merit and thereby (b) to enable the development and production of safer, more maneuverable aerospace vehicles and platforms with unprecedented performance characteristics for Air Force applications. Basic Research Objectives: Specifically, the program seeks to establish the fundamental understanding required to design and manufacture new aerospace materials, nanoscale devices and microsystems for multifunctional structures and to predict their performance and integrity based on physical principles. The multifunctionality implies coupling between structural performance and other as-needed functionalities (such as electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal, chemical, biological, and so forth) to deliver dramatic improvements in system-level efficiency. Here structural performance means the ability to carry the mechanical load while coping with the changes in surrounding environments or operating conditions. Multifunctional design is often inspired by optimum combinations of structural and/or functional properties found in biological systems where the species survival through many evolutionary cycles has led to highly efficient designs and production of complex material systems. Among various visionary contexts for developing multifunctionality, the concepts of particular interest are: (a) “autonomic” structures which can sense, diagnose and respond for adjustment with minimum external intervention, (b) “adaptive” structures allowing reconfiguration or readjustment of shape, functionality and mechanical properties on demand, and (c) “self-sustaining” systems with structurally integrated power sources and self-regulating thermal management capabilities. This program thus focuses on the development of new design criteria involving mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information science to model and characterize the integration and performance of multifunctional materials and structures at multiple scales from atoms to continuum. When subjected to a variety of multi-physics environments such as thermal, mechanical, electrical or magnetic fields, multifunctional materials will undergo complex changes in their states and physical properties. In this respect, robust multi-scale, multi-physics modeling and simulation capabilities become critical for unraveling the key scientific underpinnings to facilitate (i) effective material design for novel multifunctionality and (ii) improved durability and reliability of structures in harsh operating environments. DR. BYUNG-LIP (LES) LEE, AFOSR/RTB2 E-mail: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS Program Description: This program seeks a molecular-level description of reaction mechanisms and energy transfer processes related to the efficient storage and utilization of energy. The program supports cutting-edge experimental and joint theory-experiment studies that address key, fundamental questions in these areas. There are four major focus areas in the program: Catalytic Reactivity and Mechanisms; Novel Energetic Material Concepts; Dynamics of Energy Transfer and Transport; and Chemistry in Extreme Environments. Basic Research Objectives: The molecular dynamics program seeks to understand, predict, and control the reactivity and flow of energy in molecules in many areas of interest to the U.S. Air Force. Thus, the program encourages novel and fundamental studies aimed at developing basic understanding and predictive capabilities for chemical reactivity, bonding, and energy transfer processes. Some of the program’s current interests focus on molecular clusters and nanoscale systems in catalysis, and as building blocks for creating novel materials. Understanding the catalytic mechanisms needed to produce storable fuels from sustainable inputs and to improve propulsion processes are also topics of interest, as are novel properties and dynamics of ionic liquids. Work in this program addresses areas in which control of chemical reactivity and energy flow at a detailed molecular level is of importance. These areas include hyper-thermal and ion-chemistry in the upper atmosphere and space environment, plasma-surface interactions, the identification of novel energetic materials for propulsion systems, and the discovery of new high-energy laser systems. The coupling of chemistry and fluid dynamics in high-speed reactive flows, and in particular, dynamics at gas-surface interfaces, is also of interest. The program is also interested in utilizing plasmonics, and laser excitation to control reactivity. THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY Program Description: The theoretical chemistry program supports research to develop new methods that can be utilized as predictive tools for designing new materials and improving processes important to the U.S. Air Force. These new methods can be applied to areas such as the structure and stability of molecular systems that can be used as advanced propellants; molecular reaction dynamics; and the structure and properties of nanostructures and interfaces. We seek new theoretical and computational tools to identify novel energetic molecules or catalysts for their formation, investigate the interactions that control or limit the stability of these systems, and help guide synthesis by identifying the most promising synthetic reaction pathways and predicting the effects of condensed media on synthesis. Basic Research Objectives: The program seeks new methods in quantum chemistry to improve electronic structure calculations to efficiently treat increasing larger systems with chemical accuracy. These calculations will be used, for example, to guide the development of new catalysts and materials of interest. New approaches to treating solvation and condensed phase effects will also be considered. New methods are sought to model reactivity and energy transfer in molecular systems. Particular interests in reaction dynamics include developing methods to seamlessly link electronic structure calculations with reaction dynamics, understanding the mechanism of catalytic processes and proton-coupled electron transfer related to storage and utilization of energy, and using theory to describe and predict the details of ion-molecule reactions and electron-ion dissociative recombination processes relevant to ionospheric and space effects on U.S. Air Force systems. Interest in molecular clusters, nanostructures and materials includes work on catalysis and surface-enhanced processes mediated by plasmon resonances. This program also encourages the development of new methods to simulate and predict reaction dynamics that span multiple time and length scales. You are highly encouraged to contact our Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to briefly discuss the current state-of-the-art, how your research would advance it, and the approximate cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort, and if there are any specific submission target dates. DR. MICHAEL R. BERMAN, AFOSR/RTB2 E-mail: NATURAL MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS Program Description: The goals of this multidisciplinary program are to study, use, or alter how living systems accomplish their natural functions. This program is very biomaterials centric but doesn’t cover mimicking of biomaterials properties in non- biomaterials. It looks at existing biomaterials and synthetic biomaterials to understand how nature’s sensors are so exquisite and technologically superior to our current capabilities. For example nature has used evolution to build materials and sensors that outperform current sensors such as a spider’s hair cells capable of detecting air flow at low levels even in a noisy background. Nature is very good at solving the problem of working in a noisy environment. The intent of this program is to study/understand the mechanism of existing natural sensory systems, to utilize existing biomaterials, or to add additional capabilities to current systems. The research will encompass four general areas: biomimetics, biomaterials (non-medical only), biointerfacial sciences, and extremophiles. Basic Research Objectives: Biomimetics research attempts to study the mechanisms and design rules of novel systems that organisms use in their daily lives, and to learn engineering processes and mechanisms for understanding and control of those systems. The intent of this program is to study: natural chromophores and photo luminescent materials (found in microbial and protein-based systems), sensor denial systems, (active and passive camouflage, structural coloration), and protective systems developed in certain organisms to more fully address the predator-prey mechanisms. The non-medical Biomaterials area is focused on understanding how organisms synthesize materials and their properties. The intent is to understand the properties and structural relationship within the biomaterial to enable synthetic methods to be developed or to modify existing biomaterials genetically. Additionally, we would like to understand how organisms disrupt or deny a material’s function or synthesis. The Biointerfacial Sciences area is focused on the fundamental science at the biotic and abiotic interface of a biomaterial or organism with a non-natural material such as with proteins and metals (i.e., biotemplating). The nanotechnology and mesotechnology sub-efforts under this area are focused on surface structure and new architectures using nature’s idea of directed assembly at the nanoscale to mesoscale to create desired effects, such as quantum electronics or three dimensional power structures. The use of these structures is in the design of patterned and templated surfaces, new catalysts, and natural materials based-optics/electronics (biophotonics). The Extremophiles area is focused on understanding the way nature protects biosystems from the extremes of environment such as radiation, heat, cold, acid, pressure, and vacuum. The program wants to understand the mechanism involved in these protective schemes and to try to transfer some of those properties to other biosystems that don’t have that protective scheme present. You are highly encouraged to contact our Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to briefly discuss the current state-of-the-art, how your research would advance it, the approximate cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort, and if there are any specific submission target dates. DR. BENNETT IBEY, AFOSR/RTB2 E-mail: ORGANIC MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Program Description: The goal of this research area is to achieve novel and useful properties and behaviors from polymeric and organic materials, and their organic/inorganic hybrids based on better understanding of their chemistry, physics, and processing conditions. This understanding will lead to development of advanced organic, hybrid, and polymeric materials for future U.S. Air Force applications. This program’s approach is to study the chemistry and physics of these materials through synthesis and characterization, processing control, validated theoretical approaches, and establishment of structure-property relationships. There are no restrictions on the types of properties to be investigated but heavy emphasis will be placed on unconventional and novel properties. Both functional properties and properties pertinent to structural applications will be considered. This program seeks innovative, high risk, high impact fundamental materials chemistry basic research ideas that push scientific frontiers and not follow-up or extensional projects, or incremental advancements in an already on-going area. The research should be relevant in the broadest sense to the AFOSR mission to foster scientific discoveries that will ensure technological innovations and provide novel capabilities for future Air Force systems to achieve global awareness, global mobility, and space operations. Basic Research Objectives: Proposals with innovative research concepts that extend fundamental understanding of material structure-property relationships, discover previously unknown properties, and/or achieve significant property improvement over current state-of-the-art materials are sought. Current interests include organic materials with interesting photonic, electronic, and novel properties achieved through polymers, carbon-based nanostructures, or by incorporation of functionally hybrid materials. Organic-based materials (i.e., small molecules, oligomers and polymers, carbon-based structures, and their inorganic hybrids) are to be a central focus of proposed research. In addition, the research may involve investigation of functionally hybrid materials where the organic has been modified with an inorganic through chemical bonding or blending in a way that generates unique or significantly enhanced properties that result from synergistic interactions (i.e., the sum is greater than individual components). Targeted synthesis of novel organic-based structures and their hybrids leading to new and unique material properties and/or enhanced multi-functionality will be considered. Research investigations that probe reaction mechanism or theory as they relate to targeted synthesis or method development (i.e., understanding of reaction course/outcome) will also be considered. Precision synthesis of highly controlled, exact structures is of interest. Inorganic polymers that lead to unique properties are of interest in compelling cases. When done in conjunction with experiment to verify predictive capabilities, theory may be developed and/or used to probe such hybrid structures to understand their properties, and to suggest potential synthetic targets. Novel processing approaches that lead to deep, detailed understanding of property-process relationships are of interest, especially for on-demand processes such as additive manufacturing. Investigation of bulk material properties (e.g., electronic, photonic, phononic) generated during such processes and understanding of their fundamental interfacial chemistry and physics is of interest. In the area of photonics, research emphasis is on materials where refractive index can be actively tuned or controlled (e.g. third order nonlinear optical materials, electro-optic polymers, liquid crystals, photorefractive polymers, and magneto-optical polymers). In the area of electronic materials, research emphasis is on controlling properties (e.g., conductivity, charge mobility, stretchable electronic materials, electro-pumped lasing, and solar energy harvesting). Controlled growth and/or self-assembly of nanostructures into well-defined structures (e.g. carbon nanotubes with specific chirality or modified into functionally hybrids) or hierarchical and complex structures are encouraged. Material concepts that will provide low thermal conductivity but high electrical conductivity (thermoelectric), or vice versa, (thermally conductive electrical insulator) are of interest. Research aimed at being able to control/tune two or more material properties independently through creative, precision chemistry is sought. In addition to research involving material concepts for power management, power generation, and storage applications, there are also application needs for organic materials in extreme environments (e.g., space operation). Nanotechnology approaches are encouraged to address all the above-mentioned issues. Approaches based on biological systems or other novel approaches to achieve material properties that are difficult to attain through conventional means will be considered. Concepts involving excited state engineering to control the flow of energy within a material are of interest. Research ideas are particularly encouraged that address long-standing or unanswered organic-based materials chemistry challenges that will have significant impact on advancing basic understanding behind property creation and control if successful. You are highly encouraged to contact the Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to understand any specific submission target dates and to submit one or more idea paragraphs (4-5 sentences plus a title and descriptive figure) that describe the essence of the idea and the fundamental science to be investigated. Alternatively, a two-page (maximum) pre-proposal can be submitted that includes the objective and approach of the proposed effort, research aims with the current state-of-the-art, a brief rationale why the approach can achieve the goals, the anticipated outcomes if the research is successful; a third page can contain a few key references and a one sentence budget detailing the approximate yearly cost for a three (3) to five (5) year effort. DR. KENNETH C. CASTER, AFOSR/RTB2 Email: SPACE BIOSCIENCES Program Description: As activities in space, particularly outer space, increase, the DAF must look for new innovations that go beyond today’s technology. The vision of this program is to harness the power of biology through discovery research in life sciences that will lead to innovative and disruptive solutions and prevent technical surprise for the Department of the Air Force (DAF) interests in the space domain. Life science, the study of living things and life processes to include micro- to macro-organisms, will provide a greater understanding of the space environment as well as lead to advancing technology in both space and terrestrial environments. Basic Research Objectives: The study of living organisms and associated processes and materials is complex particularly in the vast space environment which changes drastically with geodetic height. The influence of the earth’s magnetic fields, cosmic rays, the sun’s radiation, microgravity, extreme temperature fluctuations, low pressure, and space weather is not well understood in its effects on living systems or biomaterials including bacteria, viruses, plants, and animal systems. Understanding how these living systems are affected in transitioning from a terrestrial environment to a space environment can provide great insight for more resilient and robust future space technology. Can living systems that are able to survive and adapt in this harsh environment lead to space technology unimaginable today? This portfolio seeks knowledge and understanding in these life processes in a space environment. Understanding these processes may lead to new technologies of importance to the DAF. For example, these investigations may lead to a new approach to space craft design that is better suited to the harsh space environment. Such systems may be modular, miniature, sustainable, produced quickly on-demand, scalable, autonomous, and/or optimized systems well suited for the space environment. These discoveries may also provide new advances in space manufacturing in space service and repair. These innovations could lead to materials that have improved space survivability that offer reduced cost, space hardening, increased flexibility of operations, support rapid and precise repositioning, improve their resilience, provide new capabilities, sustainably destroy or recycle their materials, reduce required materials, stabilize those materials for the space domain, produce materials on demand in the environment, and/or shield these materials from the space environment. They must contend with the harsh environment of space and therefore must also be tested, evaluated, and modeled in the space environment. Discoveries may lead to adaptive intelligent systems designed to protect space craft from damage to debris or other harmful scenarios. Life Science technologies may provide solutions to many current space challenges including maneuvering without regret, efficient harvesting of energy in situ, producing materials from space resources, and thermal management. Understanding how newly developed technology derived from biological designs and biotechnology can augment and be teamed with existing engineered machines and designs is also of interest. These research interests outlined here as well as other life science studies that lead to greater knowledge of living organisms in the space environment are of interest. Researchers are highly encouraged to contact the Program Officer prior to developing a full proposal to briefly discuss the current state-of-the-art and what is truly new or innovative about the proposed new work, the approximate cost for one (1) to three (3) year effort, and if there are any specific submission target dates. DR. JENNIFER TALLEY, AFOSR/RTB2 Email: