AFOSR - Air Force Office of Scientific Research Technical Library

Welcome to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Technical Library's web page.

The AFRL D'Azzo Research Library at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) is temporarily providing a home for the AFOSR Technical Library's web presence. Please be aware that this page is only for the use of the AFOSR Library's customers. If you are not an AFOSR researcher, please click here to be redirected to the D'Azzo Research Library's main page.

Proxy Login
Access the AFOSR Technical Library's databases, electronic books and journals, and other online resources.

Literature Searches and Reference Questions
Please email the library to request a literature search or ask a reference question. Use the Literature Search Worksheet to request literature searches from the library. (*Please allow 10 business days for searches to be completed.*) The AFRL D'Azzo Research Library reference staff will be temporarily filling these requests.

Interlibrary Loans
Please visit the AFRL D'Azzo Library's Interlibrary Loans page for instructions explaining how to submit a request. The AFRL D'Azzo Research Library interlibrary loan staff will be temporarily filling these requests.