D'Azzo Research Library - Services The D'Azzo Research Library AFRL staff are here to help YOU, the scientists, engineers, managers and support staff of AFRL at Wright-Patterson AFB. We provide superior research and information so that you can support our warfighters today, and in the future. Who we serve All current Wright-Patterson Air Force Base employees may use the library and may have borrowing privileges. Full service, including on-line literature searches, current awareness services, desktop database access, article delivery, interlibrary loans and report ordering is available to local organizations and contractors that provide library funding. Many online tools are purchased by and set up for AFRL customers only. Other registered customers may use these in the library. Resources we provide Library Collection The library contains over 100,000 books and bound volumes, and thousands of current journals and conference proceedings. AGARD, NACA, and NASA reports are located on the second floor. Video and audio tapes on technical and managerial topics are located in the Microforms Room (Rm. 1314). Electronic journals and books Access and search the full-text of thousands of online journals from major science and technology publishers such as the American Chemical Society, American Institute of Physics, Elsevier, IEEE and the Institute of Physics. Thousands of electronic books are also available. Technical Reports As part of the Library's digitization project, technical reports are no longer checked out from the Special Collections Library. Technical reports are delivered digitally, via Outlook email, or other DoD means. It may require anywhere from an hour to a day or more to fill a request, depending on a report's readiness for digital use. Every effort will be made to deliver the requested report as quickly as possible. Please see the Special Collections page for full details. Standards Current military specifications, standards, handbooks, directives and instructions and thousands of industry standards are available on the Web. Please contact us for more information. Services we provide Use our experienced staff of information professionals who can guide you to the most relevant print and online resources. The Reference Desk can be reached via email or telephone at (937) 938-4238. Database Literature Searches Let our expert searchers lead you through the online search process. We can suggest databases best suited to your needs and assist you with navigating them. Please feel free to contact the Reference Desk at (937) 938-4238 or email us. Keep current with Alerts Have the latest information on any topic delivered directly to your office. Call the Reference Desk at (937) 938-4238 or email us for more information about setting up current awareness profiles. Prompt document delivery Materials not available in our library are often obtainable through our Interlibrary Loan department. Delivery time averages ten days; less for locally owned materials. Use our online request form or email us. For other information call (937) 938-4262.