AFRL/RY - COMPASE - Sensor Data Management System Mission Provide centralized data management support to the sensor exploitation research and development community throughout the Department of Defense. For over ten years the AFRL sponsored Sensor Data Management System (SDMS) program has been committed to facilitating data sharing and collaboration across research and development programs and agencies. Support data collections (test ranges, exercises) Acquire legacy data sets Long-term central archive of sensor data Process, reduce, reformat, characterize sensor data Develop customer/problem specific datasets Distribute data (tape, CD/DVD, network, hard drive) Simplify your data management SDMS is a self-contained, sensor data processing, archiving and dissemination center. SDMS offers the following benefits: Secure, long-term, data archiving at a controlled government facility Easy, 24/7 web-based access to your sensor data, organized and queryable to your specifications High speed, high-volume processing, calibration, truthing and distribution of sensor data Data set and problem set development to support algorithm developments, analysis, testing and evaluation Secure and rigorously enforced data distribution approval process to ensure your data is only viewed by authorized users. Database-driven request system that tracks data requests from the request through delivery to your users Classified and unclassified archives High speed access (OC-12) to archived sensor data Staff expertise in handling and processing Radar, EO/IR, Video, HSI/MSI, MASINT, LADAR/LIDAR Archive contains research, development, acquisition and operational data High volume, high quality, short turnaround Capabilities SDMS Technology: We have the CPUs, RAID space, tape drives, CD / DVD writers / duplicators to support large scale data archiving, reduction, processing, and dissemination activities. Hardware Resources 300+ TB database driven data archive Multi CPU heterogeneous computing grid dedicated to data reduction and processing Terabytes of RAID space dedicated to data reduction Media : 4mm DAT / 8mm / AIT-2 / CD / DCRSi / DLT / DST / DVD / LTO /Mammoth2 / Video /Hard Drive High speed classified (SIPRNET) and unclassified networks TS / SCI Facilities Software Tools Format and media conversion tools QC / QA tools Data characterization, calibration and truthing Data viewers Supported Programs and Organizations AFRL AGRI AMSTE ATRWG Clean Sweep DARPA GISR Gotcha MSCID NetTrack Phase 2 Radar Vision SAFEGARD Data Holdings EO/IR 200TB HSI / MSI 2 TB LADAR / LIDAR 0.5 TB SAR 100 TB Miscellaneous 3 TB Distribution Activity Data Distributed 434 TB Signature Data In-House 305 TB Customers 2820 NEED THIS INFORMATION TO GO? CHECK OUT THE SDMS TRIFOLD