COMPASE (COMPrehensive Assessment of Sensor Exploitation) Center is the technical program of AFRL/RYAA. For layered-sensing technology, the COMPASE Center provides services that develop, maintain and communicate to leadership our understanding of the state-of-the-art and art-of-the-possible. The services include collaboration (web-based project coordination and file sharing utilizing VDL), testbeds, data (collection, warehousing, and dissemination utilizing SDMS), independent test and evaluation of sensor exploitation systems, and modeling and simulation. With an emphasis on independence and technical specialization, COMPASE center serves customers across the US DoD and other national agencies and leverages those services to help our innate Air Force customers.

M&S - Modeling and Simulation 
AFRL Compase Center logoModeling and Simulation is offered by the AFRL COMPASE Center as an affordable way to test our layered sensor and automated sensor exploitation technology equations, theories, concepts prior to development and/or acquisition. In many cases it is impractical or impossible to examine or assess the benefits of layered sensing or automated sensor exploitation technologies by building these (sub)systems and flying them. M&S tools and processes support general and program specific efforts, providing researchers flexible and powerful decision making tools for exercising system design and operations trade studies.

Benefits for using M&S in the laboratory

  • Early feedback to researchers on effectiveness of various technology / concepts
  • Rapid & early proof of technology / concepts prior to design/build
  • Better input from users affecting concept design decisions   

SDMS - Sensor Data Management System
AFRL Sensor Data Managment Center LogoSDMS is a selfcontained, sensor data processing, archiving and dissemination center providing centralized data management support to the sensor exploitation research and development communities.

SDMS Supports

  • Data collections
  • Long-term central archive of sensor data
  • Process, reduce, and reformat sensor data
  • Sensor data characterization
  • Development of problem specific datasets
  • Data distribution  

T&E - Test and Evaluation 
COMPASE Center Test and Evaluation LogoThe COMPASE Center - Test and Evaluation aids the DoD decision-makers by analyzing emerging sensor exploitation technology and determining their potential usefulness. Unbiased and thorough, COMPASE T&E provides independent sensor exploitation technology assessment. COMPASE-T&E performs, coordinates layeredsensing technology evaluations and related activities, such as data collection, experiment design, metric definition, tool development and produces objective assessments.

Helping the sensor exploitation community understand where they are and where they're heading.

What COMPASE-T&E Provides 

  • Independent Assessment
  • Feedback to Technology Programs
  • Maturity/Mission Assessments
  • Community Standards
  • Data Collection Support   


VDL - Virtual Distributed Laboratory 
COMPASE Virtual Distributed Library LogoVDL is a web-based portal facilitating cooperative research, development, and algorithm evaluation by providing communication and information sharing services for the entire DoD-wide sensor exploitation RDT&E communities.

  VDL benefits and capabilities

  • Government controlled infrastructure
  • Ability to share ITAR level information
  • High speed networking
  • Web-based tools for controlling access  


For further information contact us at: 


M&S - Modeling and Simulation

SDMS - Sensor Data Management System