AFRL/RYM - Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division

RYM -- Multispectral Sensing & Detection Division Conducts basic research, exploratory and advanced development programs to meet Air Force aerospace electro-optical (EO) and radio frequency (RF) sensor needs for air, space and C2 sensors systems. Conducts programs in modeling, simulation, research, design, test and evaluation of RF and EO subsystems and sensors for use in offensive, defensive and integrated offensive/defensive systems. Ensures unequaled persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; time sensitive targeting; and battlespace access capabilities for America's air and space forces by developing, demonstrating and transitioning advanced RF/EO sensors

RYMD -- RF Technology Branch Conduct basic and applied research and development in RF sensor phenomenology, modeling and simulation, algorithm & waveform development, and experimentation emphasizing distributed and layered sensing in a contested or denied environment. Maintain and develop new capabilities for state-of-the-art RF sensor research and development facilities.

RYMH -- Antennas & Electromagnetics Technology Branch Leads the Air Force's Basic & Applied Research and Development of Electromagnetic Theory to significantly improve sensor performance by understanding Electromagnetic scattering phenomenology, Antenna Technology, Difficult Targets/Environments, RF Metamaterials, and RF Modeling & Simulation to support current and future warfighter needs.

RYMM -- LADAR Technology Branch Lead the Discovery, Development & Integration of Multi-discriminant LADAR Technologies that meet Air Force air superiority, global precision attack, rapid global mobility, special operations and global integrated ISR service core function capability needs in anti-access and area denied (A2/AD) environments

RYMR -- RF Systems Branch Conducts research and development of innovative RF Systems concepts supporting overhead, airborne, and ground-based layered sensing construct to deliver unprecedented global situational awareness to the warfighter. Develops ISR, SIGINT, RF MASINT/GEOINT, Communications, and Electronic Warfare (EP & ES) System of Systems concepts and enabling technologies to transition both active and passive RF Systems payloads for survivable operation in A2/AD environments. Conducts RDT&E programs of integrated RF systems and subsystems that can operate in contested Air, Space, and Cyber domains to remain a trusted USAF, DoD, and Intel Community S&T mission partner.

RYMT -- EO Target Detection & Surveillance Branch Leads the discovery, development & integration of passive electro-optical sensor technology to promote innovative, timely, and affordable target detection and surveillance capabilities that meet Air Force global integrated ISR service core function capability needs in both contested and anti-access and area denied (A2/AD) environments