AFRL/RYZ - Sensors Plans & Advanced Programs Division RYZ -- Sensors Plans & Advanced Programs Division Develops technology projects into programs, conduct field demonstrations and integrate technology products into warfighter applications. Develop and manage programs across the directorate and AFRL for sensor exploitation, cyber warfare, and ISR for technology transition to product centers. Conducts advanced development field and flight test demonstrations of platform specific sensors and of functionally integrated sensor suites for air/space vehicles. Provide primary interface to the warfighter and directorate focal point for MAJCOM/customer requirements to S&T planners and AFRL. Leads directorate SBIR Planning and Technology Transfer program. RYZC -- Plans Branch Identifies and understands national defense requirements in order to supply the Sensors Directorate leadership with timely, relevant information for planning and decision-making. Facilitates warfighter awareness and understanding of the potential that Sensors Directorate technologies hold. Provides support and guidance to project managers to ensure successful technology application and transition. Fosters inter-organizational, cross-disciplinary collaboration to develop innovative technology solutions. Rapidly responds to urgent warfighter operational needs with demonstrated and accepted technology solutions. Leads SBIR planning and Technology Transfer Program. RYZT -- Advanced Programs Branch Provide Directorate leadership and functional expertise in the areas of program management and test and evaluation. Lead and manage high value and complex programs to demonstrate sensor technology for immediate transition to a program of record or directly to the warfighter. Lead development and execution of collaborative programs across Sensors and other Directorates. Utilize flight test expertise gained from RYZT programs to support lessons learned and application to the rest of the directorate.