AFRL/RI International Program Office The International Program Office provides guidance and assistance to the Information Directorate's divisions on all International Cooperative Research, Development, and Acquisition programs throughout the Air Force. The office is responsible for the development and implementation of the directorate's International Strategy, the support efforts to explore new areas of potential cooperation and assists the Technical Divisions in the development of international interactions and agreements. The office provides guidance and seeks to encourage collaborations and international partnerships, to identify niche capabilities that complement Information directorate core technologies, and to create an environment that encourages wide-spread exploration of available international resources and programs, to optimize leveraging of government funds. This office overseas and tracks each international agreement from its initiation to final approval by Secretary of Air Force and conducts annual follow-ups through the life cycle of each agreement. The Information Directorate's general international objectives are to pursue an international strategy consistent with the directorate's overall strategic plan. In doing so, RI will consider all resources available for leveraging international science and technology and select those most appropriate to achieve specific results and strengthen R&D programs. Where appropriate, cross-directorate activities are highly encouraged. Emphasis will be placed on international activities that support the three primary components of the directorate's science & technology portfolio: (1) Basic Research (2) Enabling Technologies (3) Integrated Technology Programs. These are supported through Air Force science and technology funding in the areas of: (1) 6.1 Basic Research (2) 6.2 Exploratory Development (3) 6.3 Advanced Technology Development. Technologies considered for international cooperation will be carefully determined and prioritized. Bilateral planning and synchronization of S&T plans with foreign partners is encouraged, as in the use of S&T cooperation to strengthen military alliances. The International Office encourages maintaining international linkages worldwide, so that new opportunities will be quickly identified and exploited. For additional information please contact the International Program Office at: Comm.: (315) 330-3047 Fax: (315) 330-3022 E-mail: