USAFSAM - FCI - Medical Flight Screening

Aeromedical Consult Service
Medical Flight Standards Branch
Wright Patterson AFB, OH

Medical Flight Screening

This page pertains only to those individuals who have previously had a FCI physical exam with a HQ AETC/SG certification stamp that states "pending successful completion of MFS".

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What is Medical Flight Screening (MFS)?
MFS (Medical Flight Screening) was designed to augment the Flying Class I (FCI) physical exam performed at local Flight Medicine Clinics across the USAF on active duty pilot applicants. The certification stamp on the FCI exam will note "pending successful completion of MFS" which means it requires the additional MFS evaluation. FCI examinations accomplished at USAFSAM need not return for medical flight screening, since it is accomplished in conjunction with all FCI exams (and RPA pilot exams) done at USAFSAM and the combined evaluation is forwarded to HQ AFRS/RSG for simultaneous certification.

If you did not have your FCI physical done at USAFSAM or USAFA, then the following applies to you; the MFS evaluation is accomplished on pilot selectees just prior to OTS or en-route to IFS/UPT. Candidates will undergo neuropsychological testing, ophthalmology testing, and anthropometric measurements. Those candidates certified for FCI with waiver for any vision issues will be reviewed/re-evaluated by ophthalmology to ensure they are stable and remain within waiver limits. If the condition is stable, the waiver will be validated by the Aeromedical Consult Service (ACS) and the candidate is cleared to proceed to UPT/IFS, etc. If there are changes or new findings, we will re-accomplish your waiver and expedite it to HQ AFRS/RSG for review and certification.
Historically, there are 5% of MFS evaluations that fail to meet FCI standards due to vision problems or anthropometric measurements. If a condition is identified during your MFS evaluation, you will have an opportunity to discuss the abnormality and waiver guidelines with one of our specialists. Certification/waiver authority remains HQ AFRS/RSG. Due to the nature of this program, medical waiver requests are expedited in order to avoid delays for those in route to OTS, IFS or UPT. Unfortunately, on rare occasion, individuals may become disqualified for FCI due to a condition considered non-waiverable. We understand the impact this will have on your future plans, and will assist you in any way we can.

Transportation to and from the Dayton International airport is not provided; therefore you will need to take a Taxi Cab (approximately $50) or rental car from the airport to Wright Patterson Inn-Lodging Front Desk - Bldg. 825, Area A, 2439 Schlatter Drive, Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433. Rental cars are not authorized for this TDY unless your local commander will sign an individualized rental car authorization letter that you would file with your completed travel voucher.

ARRIVAL from airport  - Before you let your cab leave, please check where you are billeted. You may need the cab to take you to another lodging facility, either on base or off base.

Optional charter van service for 2 OR MORE - with 24 hours advance notice - There is an optional van service called "Charter Vans" that has a desk near baggage claim at Dayton International Airport for transport to Wright Patterson AFB. Check out rates from the web link in this paragraph.

Morning of your appointment - From WP Lodging front desk, there is a shuttle at 0700 hours that will bring you to Bldg. 840, located in Area B; this is approximately 4.5 miles from WP lodging. If you are driving and would like a base map with directions to Bldg. 840, please click here
Once you have your Medical Flight Screening orders in hand - which gets handed down through your local MPF Formal Training office - it is safe to assume that your Wright Patterson lodging reservation is in place. In some situations, you may be assigned billeting off-base. If that is the case, you will receive a non-availability letter/statement to file with your travel voucher. Please make sure you have the funds/Gov't Travel Card/CSA available. If you need to inquire about your room reservation, it must be within 72 hours of your appointment date by calling Wright Patterson Inn at 937-257-3451 or 937-257-5442.
Planning for Your Exam
MFS evaluations are conducted on Thursdays. The first day of your evaluation is based on the report date on your orders. Your day of testing will commence at 0730 hours in building 840, Area B, 1st floor FCI/MFS waiting room W100, and will end at approximately 1600 hours. There are no fasting lab work or cardiology requirements for MFS evaluations. You should be well-rested and have eaten breakfast prior to your arrival to prepare for 3.5 hours of computerized baseline neuropsychological testing. The uniform of the day is any combination of approved USAF uniform: ABU or flight suit, for those individuals on aeronautical orders.  Lunch will not be provided; if you decide to bring your own lunch, we do have a refrigerator available for your use.

CRS patients: If you have had any type of laser eye surgery, you must send us all pre and post-surgical exams. Your stay will last at least 1 ½ to 2 days; so please make sure your return flights are no earlier than 1400 hours on the day after your report date. CRS patients and a small percentage of others, may be required to return the morning after their report date at 0730 hours for additional eye exams and administrative requirements for ACS evaluation with planned release time prior to 1200 hours.

Travel time between Wright Patterson AFB to/from Dayton International Airport is approximately 45 minutes, so please plan accordingly.

Medical Flight Screening Schedule
In-process; welcome briefing.

Anthropometric Measurements

Eye Exams
  • Color vision testing (CCT)
  • Corneal topography (CT)
  • Red lens test

1200-1530 (or 1200-1600 with breaks in between tests)
Neuropsychological Testing: The primary purpose of the psychological portion of medical flight screening is to establish baseline psychological testing data for each new USAF pilot. This baseline data is used as part of a comprehensive medical examination of aviators who sustain head injury, in order to make recommendations to return to flying. With this data, psychologists can make pre- and post-injury comparisons. Each pilot candidate must take a neuropsychological screening battery and an aptitude test. No one is eliminated from training based on the results of these tests.

The neuropsychological screening battery uses both visual and auditory information to evaluate brain functioning.

After your in-processing brief, you will accomplish anthropometric measurements, followed by ophthalmology testing; you will undergo three tests: corneal topography (which evaluates the cornea utilizing computer-enhanced imagery), red lens test (which evaluates eye muscle balance), and color vision testing. When completed, you will be given an hour for lunch; you may go anywhere provided you have transportation. If you do not have transportation, there are eating facilities within walking distance. The afternoon testing consists of neuropsychiatry testing, consisting of: cognitive, intelligence, and personality tests. These tests will be administered throughout the afternoon, approximately 3.5 hours. The neuropsychiatry tests are for baseline information and will not affect your qualification for UPT. Individuals who have had CRS or waivers for other eye issues will undergo additional testing and ACS evaluations, as required. Anthropometrics measurements and Ophthalmology testing must be passed to continue into UPT.

Contact Lens Use Restrictions
Prior to your appointment you must be:
30 days soft contact lens free
90 days hard contact lens free

If you have worn contact lenses within the timeframe specified above, please contact AFPC Officer Accessions immediately to reschedule your appointment.

If you are prescribed glasses, please bring them with you to your MFS exam.
Corneal Refractive Surgery (CRS)

If you have had any type of corneal refractive surgery (PRK, LASIK, LASEK), you are required to send us copies of all pre/post-surgical medical reports and corneal topographies accomplished with your follow-up exams. We must receive all documentation at a minimum of 30 days prior to your MFS exam. Our optometry/ophthalmology specialists will review your documents and may or may not request additional information to support your waiver. If you have had CRS, please provide your information quickly to avoid cancellation of your appointment.

How to send the required CRS Information

Please submit your CRS information via e-mail with attachments.
Edit the subject line with your personal information:

MFS Branch E-mail Inbox

If you are unable to scan and/or e-mail these documents you may fax them to:
Commercial: (937) 656-4006 or DSN: 986-4006
Attention: FC I/MFS - QA Team
Subject: MFS-PRK pre/post op reports
Date Scheduled: DD/MM/YYYY

If you are unable to fax these documents, please mail them to:
Attention: FC I/MFS - QA Team
2510 Fifth St
Bldg. 20840, Area B
Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 45433

You must have a previously certified FCI exam on record, which we review prior to your arrival.
If you are unsure, you can have your local Flight Surgeon's office look this up in PEPP (on-line physical exam processing program)
to make sure you have met this requirement. If your exam was certified by AETC but is not in PEPP,
please bring a copy of your certified exam to your appointment.

If you have any question regarding your MFS evaluation, we can be contacted at the e-mail address listed below.
We are very willing to answer any questions you may have regarding your appointment.

E-Mail Inquiries to
 "MFS Only" Appointment Question/Comment or you may call (937) 938-2647.