AFRL/RITQ - Integrated Photonics and Photon Qubits Publications



QIS Publications 2021

2021: Journal Publications

1. R.J. Birrittella, P.M. Alsing, C.C. Gerry, "The parity operator: Applications in quantum metrology", AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 014701 (2021).
2. P.L. Kaulfuss, P.M. Alsing, E.E. Hach, III, A.M. Smith, and M.L. Fanto, "Direct Interferometric Test of the Nonlinear Phase-Shift Gate," Phys. Rev. A, 103(2), 022405 (2021) 
3. H S. Jacinto, A.M. Smith, and N.I. Rafla, "Utilizing a Fully Optical and Reconfigurable PUF as a Quantum Authentication Mechanism," OSA Continuum, 4(2), 739-747 (2021) 
4. M. van Niekerk, S. Jahani, J. Bickford, P. Cho, S. Anderson, G. Leake, D. Coleman, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, Z. Jacob, and S.F. Preble, "Two-dimensional extreme skin depth engineering for CMOS photonics," JOSA B, 38(4), pp.1307-1316 (2021)

2021: Conference Proceedings
1. None yet!

QIS Publications 2020

2020: Journal Publications

1. A.M. Smith and H S. Jacinto, "Reconfigurable Integrated Optical Interferometer Network-based Physically Unclonable Function," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(17), 4599-4606 (2020) 
2. J. Schneeloch, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto, S. Ray, and P.M. Alsing, "Quantifying Tri-partite Entanglement with Entropic Correlations," Phys. Rev. Research, 2(1), 043152 (2020) 
3. D.J. Starling, J. Poirier, M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, and S.F. Preble, "Nonlinear Photon Pair Generation in a Highly Dispersive Medium,"  Physical Review Applied, 13(4), p.041005 (2020).
4. C. Cafaro, S. Ray, P.M. Alsing, "Geometric aspects of analog quantum search evolutions", Phys. Rev. A, 102, 052607 (2020).
5. C. Cafaro, D. Felice, P.M. Alsing, "Quantum Groverian Geodesic Paths with Gravitational and Thermal Analogies", Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135, 900 (2020).
6. D.B. Uskov, P.M. Alsing, "Vector properties of entanglement in a three-qubit system", Phys. Rev. A 102, 032401 (2020).
7. C. Cafaro, S. Gassner, P.M. Alsing, "Information Geometric Perspective on Off-Resonance Effects in Driven Two-Level Quantum Systems", Quantum Rep. 2(1), 166-188 (2020). 
8. C. Cafaro, P.M. Alsing, "Information geometry aspects of minimum entropy production paths from quantum mechanical evolutions", Phys. Rev. E 101, 022110, (2020).
9. R.J. Birrittella, P.M. Alsing, C.C. Gerry, "Phase effects in coherently stimulated down-conversion with a quantized pump field", Phys. Rev. A 101, 013813, (2020).
10. S. M. Aslmarand, W.A. Miller, V.S. Rana, P.M. Alsing, "Quantum Reactivity: An Indicator of Quantum Correlation", Entropy , 22(1), 6, (2020).

2020: Conference Proceedings
1. H.A. Blair, P.M. Alsing, H S. Jacinto, "Continuity, Differentiation, and Quantum State Transfer in Discrete Structures," Proceedings of the Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing, 51(1), (2020)
2. M. Van Niekirk, D.J. Starling, G.A. Howland, G. Leake, A. Antohe, S. Binti, D. Coleman, A.M. Smith, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto, S.F. Preble, "Experimental Evolutionary Optimization of an Active Multimode Interferometer," Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), 102 (2020)
3. V. Deenadayalan, M. van Niekerk, M.L. Fanto, and S.F. Preble, "Silicon Photonic MEMS Phase Shifter Using Gradient Electric Force Actuation." In Frontiers in Optics (pp. FW5D-3). Optical Society of America (2020)
4. M. van Niekerk, S. Jahani, J. Bickford, P. Cho, S. Anderson, G. Leake, D. Coleman, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, Z. Jacob, and S.F. Preble, "Demonstration of Two-Dimensional Extreme Skin Depth Engineering in CMOS Photonics Foundry," In Frontiers in Optics (pp. FTh1C-5). Optical Society of America (2020)
5. J. Serafini, D. Spiecker, J. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, E.E. Hach, and S.F. Preble, "Two photon interference via coupled ring resonators on a silicon photonic chip," In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science (pp. FTu4C-7). Optical Society of America (2020)
6. D.J. Starling, J. Poirier, M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, and S.F. Preble, "TM Polarized Photon Pair Generation in Linearly Uncoupled Silicon Resonators," In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science (pp. FTu4C-2). Optical Society of America (2020).
7. S. Ray, P.M. Alsing, "Including the vacuum in the post-selected model of quantum illumination", Proc. SPIE 11540, Emerging Imaging and Sensing Technologies for Security and Defence V; and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Micro- and Nanosystems in Security and Defence III, 115400F, (2020).
8. A. DeCesare, R. Snyder, D. Carvalho, W.A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, D. Ahn, "Toward mobile free-space optical QKD: characterization of a polarization-based receiver", Proc. SPIE 11391, Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XII, 1139105, (2020).

QIS Publications 2019

2019: Journal Publications

1. Carlo Cafaro and Paul. M. Alsing, “Theoretical analysis of a nearly optimal analog quantum search,” Physica Scripta, 94(8) 085103 (2019). 
2. Carlo Cafaro and Paul. M. Alsing, “Continuous-time quantum search and time-dependent two-level quantum systems,” International Journal of Quantum Information, 17(3), 1950025 (2019). 
3. W. A. Miller, S. M. Aslmarand, P. M. Alsing and V. Rana, “Geometric measures of Information for quantum state characterization,” Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications 4(2) (2019). 
4. S. Ray, J. Schneeloch, C.C. Tison, and Paul M. Alsing, “The maximum advantage of quantum illumination”, Phys. Rev. A, 100, 012327 (2019). 
5. J. Schneeloch, S.H. Knarr, D.F. Bogorin, M.L. Levangie, C.C. Tison, R. Frank, G.A. Howland, M.L. Fanto, and P.M. Alsing, “Introduction to the Absolute Brightness and Number Statistics in Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion” J. Opt. 21, 4, 043501 (2019). 
6. J.Schneeloch, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto,  P.M. Alsing, and G.A. Howland, “Quantifying entanglement in a 68-billion-dimensional quantum state space”, Nat. Commun. 10, 2785 (2019).
7. R.E. Scott, P.M. Alsing, A.M. Smith, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, J. Schneeloch, and E.E. Hach III, “Scalable controlled-NOT gate for linear optical quantum computing using microring resonators”, Physical Review A, 100, 022322 (2019). 
8. P. Yin, J. R. Serafini, Z. Su, R. J. Shuie, E. Timurdogan, M. L. Fanto, S. F. Preble, “ Low connector-to-connector loss through silicon photonic chips using ultra-low loss splicing of SMF-28 to high numerical aperture fibers,” Optics Express 27 (17), 24188-24193 (2019). 
9. W.A. Miller, S.M. Aslmarand, P.M. Alsing, V.S. Rana, “Geometric Measures of Information for Quantum State Characterization” Ann. Math. Sci. and App. 4, 2, 395-409 (2019).

2019: Conference Proceedings
1. S.M. Aslmarand, W.A. Miller, T Razaei, P.M. Alsing, V.S. Rana, “Properties of quantum reactivity for a multipartite state,” Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XI 10984, 1098402 (2019).
2. J.R. Serafini, D. Spiecker, J.A. Steidle, S.F. Preble, E.E. Hach III, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto, P.M. Alsing, A.M. Smith, “On-chip demonstration of Hong-Ou-Mandel effect using quantum-optical ring resonators,” Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XI 10984, 109840E (2019).
3. J.A. Steidle, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto, S.F. Preble, and P.M. Alsing, “Highly Directional Silicon Microring Photon Pair Source,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics OSA Technical Digest, paper FTh1D.4CLEO (2019).
4. P.M. Thomas; M.L. Fanto; J.R. Serafini; J.A. Steidle; S. Preble; T. Lu; D. Englund, “Ion milled facet for direct coupling to optical waveguides,” Proc. SPIE 10982, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications XI, 109823H, (2019).
5. M. van Niekerk, J.A. Steidle, G.A. Howland, M.L. Fanto, N.Soures; F.T. Zohora; D. Kudithipudi; S.F. Preble, “Approximating large scale arbitrary unitaries with integrated multimode interferometers,” Proc. SPIE 10984, Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XI, 109840J, (2019) .
6. S. Ray, P.M. Alsing, "The Hilbert Schmidt inner product: quantum illumination and beyond", Proc. SPIE 11167, Quantum Technologies and Quantum Information Science V, 111670G, (2019).

QIS Publications 2018

2018: Journal Publications

1. P. M. Alsing, W.A. Miller and S. Yau, “A realization of Thurston’s geometrization: discrete Ricci flow with surgery ”, Ann. Math. Sci. and App. 3(1), 31 (2018).
2. C. Cafaro, P. M. Alsing, “Decrease of Fisher information and the information geometry of evolution equations for quantum mechanical probability amplitudes,” Physical Review E, 97(4), 042110, (2018).
3. E.E. Hach, R.J. Birrittella, P. M. Alsing, C. C. Gerry, “SU (1,1) parity and strong violations of a Bell inequality by entangled Barut-Giradello coherent states,” JOSA B 35 (10), 2433-2442, (2018). 
4. N.C. Harris, J. Carolan, D. Bunandar, M. Prabhu, M. Hochberg, T. Baehr-Jones, M.L. Fanto, A.M. Smith, C.C. Tison, P.M. Alsing, and D. Englund, “Linear programmable nanophotonic processors,” Optica 5(12) 1623 (2018). 
5. S.H. Knarr, D.J. Lum, J. Schneeloch, and J.C. Howell, “Compressive Direct Imaging of a Billion-Dimensional Optical Phase Space”, Phys. Rev. A, 98, 023854 (2018). 
6. T. Lu, M.L. Fanto, H. Choi, P. Thomas, J. Steidle, S. Mouradian, W. Kong, D. Zhu, H. Moon, K. Berggren, J. Kim, M. Soltani, SF. Preble, and D.R. Englund, "Aluminum nitride integrated photonics platform for the ultraviolet to visible spectrum," Opt. Express 26, 11147-11160, (2018). 
7. J.Schneeloch and G.A. Howland, “Quantifying High-dimensional Entanglement with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations”, Phys. Rev. A, 97, 042338 (2018). 

2018: Conference proceedings
1. P.M. Alsing, E.E. Hach III, “An optical nonlinear sign shift gate using mircoring resonators," Proc. SPIE 10803, Quantum Information Science and Technology IV, 108030M (2018) .
2. M,L. Fanto, T. Lu, H. Choi, P. Thomas, J. Serafini, C.C. Tison, J. Steidle, S. Preble, M. Soltani, D. Englund, P.M. Alsing, K. Soderberg, "Wide-Bandgap Integrated Photonic Circuits for Nonlinear Interactions and Interfacing with Quantum Memories", IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, (2018). 
3. W. A. Miller, P. M. Alsing, D. Ahn, “Higher dimensional quantum communication in a curved spacetime: and efficient simulation of the propagation of the wavefront of the photon,” SPIE DSS, (2018).
4. J. Schneeloch, C.C. Tison, M.L. Fanto, P.M. Alsing, G.A. Howland, “Quantifying record entanglement in extremely large Hilbert spaces with adaptively sampled EPR correlations,” Quantum Information Science and Technology IV 10803, 108030O (2018).
5. J. Schneeloch (Invited) “Quantitatively Witnessing Exceptionally Large High-Dimensional Entanglement in Photon pairs”, IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, HI, (2018).

QIS Publications 2017

2017: Journal Publications

1. P.M. Alsing, E.E. Hach III, C.C. Tison, and A.M. Smith, “A quantum optical description of losses in ring resonators based on field operator transformations,” Phys. Rev. A 95, 053828 (2017). 
2. P.M. Alsing, E.E. and Hach III, “Photon-pair generation in a lossy-microring resonator. I. Theory," Phys. Rev. A 96, 033847 (2017). 
3. P.M. Alsing, and E.E. Hach III, “Photon-pair generation in a lossy-microring resonator. II. Entanglement in the output mixed Gaussian squeezed state," Phys. Rev. 96, 033848 (2017). 
4. P. M. Alsing, H. A. Blair, M. Corne, G. Jones, W. A. Miller, K. Mischaikow & V. Nanda,  “Topological signatures of singularities in Ricci flow,”  Axioms 6(3) 24 (2017).  
5. A.M. Smith, “Secure Communication via a Recycling of Attenuated Classical Signals”, Physical Review Applied 7 (1), 014010  (2017). 
6. J.A. Steidle,  M.L. Fanto, S.F. Preble, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, Z. Wang, P.M. Alsing, “Measurement of Quantum Interference in a Silicon Ring Resonator Photon Source” J. Vis. Exp. (122), e55257, doi:10.3791/55257 (2017). 
7. C.C. Tison, J.A. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, Z. Wang, N.A. Mogent, A. Rizzo, S.F. Preble, and P.M. Alsing, “Path to increasing the coincidence efficiency of integrated resonant photon sources”, Opt. Express, 25, 26, 33088 (2017). 
8. Z. Vernon, M Menotti, C.C. Tison, J.A. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, PM Thomas, SF Preble, AM Smith, PM Alsing, M Liscidini, and JE Sipe,  “Truly unentangled photon pairs without spectral filtering,” Optics Letters, Vol. 42(18), 3638, (2017). 
9. Z. Wang, M. L. Fanto, Jeffrey A. Steidle, A.A. Aboketaf, N.A. Rummage, P.M. Thomas, C.S Lee, W. Guo, L. F. Lester, and S.F. Preble, “Passively mode-locked InAs quantum dot lasers on a silicon substrate by Pd-GaAs wafer bonding,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 110 (14), 141110, (2017). 

2017: Conference Proceedings
1. P.M. Alsing and E.E. Hach III. “Nonlinear processes in lossy microring resonators,” Quantum Information Science and Technology III 10442, 104420M, (2017)
2. M. L. Fanto, C. C. Tison, J. A. Steidle, T. Lu, Z. Wang, N. A. Mogent, A. Rizzo, P. M. Thomas, S. F. Preble, P. M. Alsing, D. R. Englund, "Integrated photon sources for quantum information science applications", Proc. SPIE 10442, Quantum Information Science and Technology III, 104420K, (2017).
3. S. Lakshminarayanamurthy, N. A. Rummage, N. A. Mogent, D. E. Ewbank, J. A. Steidle, M. L. Fanto, P. M. Thomas, S. F. Preble, "Silicon photonic wafer fabrication for education," 2017 28th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, pp. 184-188, (2017).
4. Z. Vernon, M. Menotti, C. C. Tison, J. A. Steidle, M. L. Fanto, P. M. Thomas, S. F. Preble, G. A. Howland, A. M. Smith, P. M. Alsing, M. Liscidini, and J. E. Sipe, "An integrated source of truly unentangled photons for efficient single photon heralding," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper JTh1E.2. (2017).

QIS Publications 2016

2016: Journal Publications

1. P.M. Alsing and M.L. Fanto, “A discrete analogue for black hole evaporation using approximate analytical solutions of a one-shot decoupling trilinear Hamiltonian,” Class. Quantum Grav 33, 015005 (2016). 
2. Edwin E. Hach, III, Stefan F. Preble, Ali W. Elshaari, Paul M. Alsing, and Michael L. Fanto, “Scalable Hong-Ou-Mandel manifolds in quantum-optical ring resonators,” Phys. Rev. A 89, 043805 (2016). 
3. E.E. Hach III, P.M. Alsing, C.C. Gerry, “Violations of a Bell inequality for entangled SU(1,1) coherent states based on dichotomic observables,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 042104 (2016) 
4. J. Schneeloch, S.H. Knarr, D.J. Lum, and J.C. Howell. “Position-Momentum Bell-Nonlocality with Entangled Photon Pairs,” Phys. Rev. A. 93, 012105 (2016). 
5. J. Schneeloch and J.C. Howell, “Introduction to the Transverse Spatial Correlations in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion through the Biphoton Birth Zone,”  J. Opt., 18, 053501 (2016). 
6. G.A. Howland, S.H. Knarr, J. Schneeloch, D.J. Lum, and J.C. Howell, “Compressively Characterizing High-Dimensional Entangled States with Complementary Random Filtering”, Phys. Rev. X, 6, 021018 (2016). 
7. D.J. Starling, I. Storer, and G.A. Howland, “Compressive sensing spectroscopy with a single pixel camera”. Applied optics, 55(19), 5198‐5202. (2016). 

2016: Conference Proceedings
1. P.M. Alsing, M.L. Fanto, “Spontaneous parametric down conversion with a depleted pump as an analogue for black hole evaporation/particle production,” SPIE DSS, Baltimore, MD, 9873-1. (2016).
2. M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, T.J. Lu, S.F. Preble, D.R. Englund, C.C. Tison, A.M. Smith, G.A. Howland, K-A. Soderberg, and P.M. Alsing, "Ultraviolet Second Harmonic Generation in Aluminum Nitride Microring Resonators," in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper FTh5G.6. (2016).
3. M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, T.J. Lu, S.F. Preble, D.R. Englund, C.C. Tison, A.M. Smith, G.A. Howland, K-A. Soderberg, and P.M. Alsing,“Ultraviolet integrated photonic circuits” SPIE Security+ Defence 99960K-99960K-1. (2016).
4. S.F. Preble, J.A. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, E. Hach, and P.M. Alsing, "Quantum Silicon Photonics: Photon sources and Circuits," in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper LW2I.1.(2016).
5. J.A. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, Z. Wang, P.M. Alsing, S.F. Preble,  "High Performance Photon Sources for Quantum Silicon Photonics", FIO 2016, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper FTu3G.4 (2016).
6. J.A. Steidle, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, Z. Wang, P.M. Alsing, and S.F. Preble “Efficiently Heralded Silicon Ring Resonator Photon-Pair Source”, SPIE DSS, Baltimore, MD, 9873-3. (2016).
7. Z. Wang, S.F. Preble, M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, C. Lee, and W. Guo, "InAs quantum dot mode-locked lasers on a Si substrate by Pd-GaAs wafer bonding," in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper FF5F.5. (2016).
8. A. Szep, R. Kim, E. Shin, M.L. Fanto, J. Osman, P.M. Alsing, “Polarization entangled cluster state generation in a lithium niobate chip”.  Proc. SPIE 9996, Quantum Information Science and Technology II, 99960G (2016).
9. S.H. Knarr, D.J. Lum, J. Schneeloch, J. C. Howell, "Direct Compressive Imaging of Joint Quantum States with Strong Projections", in Frontiers in Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online), paper FW5F.6 (2016).

QIS Publications 2015

2015: Journal Publications
1. A.M. Smith, P.M. Alsing, G.E. Lott, M.L. Fanto, "Translating non-trivial algorithms from the circuit model to the measurement-based quantum computing model", J. Mod. Optics, 62 (20), 1746-1754 (2015).
2. S. Ray, W.A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, S.T. Yau, "Adiabatic isometric mapping algorithm for embedding 2-surfaces in Euclidean 3-space", Class. Quantum Grav., 32 (23), 235012 (2015).
3. S.F. Preble, M.L. Fanto, J.A. Steidle, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, Z. Wang, P.M. Alsing, "On-chip quantum interference from a single silicon ring-resonator source", Phys. Rev. Applied, 4 (2), 021001 (2015).
4. D.B. Uskov, P. Lougovski, P.M. Alsing, M.L. Fanto, L. Kaplan, A.M. Smith , "Optimal mode transformations for linear-optical cluster-state generation", Phys. Rev. A 91, 062318 (2015).
5. P.M. Alsing, "Parametric down conversion with a depleted pump as a model for classical information transmission capacity of quantum black holes", Class. Quantum Grav., 32 (7), 075010 (2015).
6. D.B. Uskov, P.M. Alsing, M.L. Fanto, L. Kaplan, R. Kim, A. Szep, A.M. Smith, "Resource-efficient generation of linear cluster states by linear optics with postselection", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 045502 (2015).

2015: Conference Proceedings
1. J.A Steidle, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, Z. Wang, S.F. Preble, P.M. Alsing, "High spectral purity silicon ring resonator photon-pair source",  Proc. SPIE 9500, Quantum Information and Computation XIII, 950015 (2015).
2. M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, G.A. Howland, S.F. Preble, P.M. Alsing, A.M. Smith , "A bright PPKTP waveguide source of polarization entangled photons", Proc. SPIE 9500, Quantum Information and Computation XIII, 950014 (2015). 
3. P.M. Alsing, G Kreymerman, W.A. Miller, "A CNOT gate in a glass chip", Proc. SPIE 9500, Quantum Information and Computation XIII, 95001F (2015). 

QIS Publications 2014

2014: Journal Publications
1. P.M. Alsing, J.R. McDonald, D.X. Gu, W.A. Miller, S.T. Yau, "Simplicial Ricci Flow", Commun. Math. Phys. 329, 579-608 (2014).
2. W. A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, M. Corne, S. Ray, "Equivalence of simplicial Ricci flow and Hamilton’s Ricci flow for 3D neckpinch geometries", Geom. Imag. and Comp. 1, (3), 333-366, (2014).
3. P.M. Alsing, W.A. Miller, M. Corne, D. Gu, S. Lloyd, S. Ray, S. Yau, "Simplicial Ricci Flow: An Example of a Neck Pinch Singularity in 3D", Geom. Imag. and Comp. 1, (3), 303-331, (2014).
4. E.E. Hach III, S.F. Preble, A.W. Elshaari, P.M. Alsing, M.L. Fanto, "Scalable Hong-Ou-Mandel manifolds in quantum-optical ring resonators", Phys. Rev. A 89, 043805 (2014).

2014: Conference Proceedings
1. P.M. Alsing, A.M. Smith, M.L. Fanto, C.C. Tison, GE Lott, "Programming non-trivial algorithms in the measurement-based quantum computation model", Proc. SPIE 9254, Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence II; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security III, 92540I, (2014).
2. M.L. Fanto, A.M. Smith, P.M. Alsing, C.C. Tison, S.F. Preble, G.E. Lott, J.M. Osman, A. Szep, R.S. Kim, "A periodic probabilistic photonic cluster state generator", Proc. SPIE 9254, Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence II; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security III, 92540J, (2014). 

QIS Publications 2013

2013: Journal Publications
1. D.M. Heim, W.P. Schleich, P.M. Alsing, J.P. Dahl, S. Varro,  "Tunneling of an energy eigenstate through a parabolic barrier viewed from Wigner phase space", Physics Letters A 377 (31-33), 1822-1825 (2013).

2013: Conference Proceedings
1. H.A. Blair, P. M. Alsing, "Handy elementary algebraic properties of the geometry of entanglement", Proc. SPIE 8749, Quantum Information and Computation XI, 874905, (2013). 
2. B. Wysocki, N. McDonald, M.L. Fanto, T. McEwen, "Designing STEM activities to complement neural development in children", 2013 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), Princeton, NJ, USA, (2013).

QIS Publications 2012

2012: Journal Publications
1. P.M. Alsing, I. Fuentes, "Observer-dependent entanglement", Class, Quantum Grav. 29, 224001 (2012).
2. A.M. Smith, D. Uskov, M.L. Fanto, L.H. Ying, and L. Kaplan "Proposed experiment in two-qubit linear optical photonic gates for maximal success rates", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 185502 (2012).

2012: Conference Proceedings
1. R. Erdmann, M.L. Fanto, C. Peters, P.M. Alsing, R Michalak, EJ Galvez, "Nonlocal realism considered for entangled photons", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 840012, (2012). 
2. J.R. McDonald, P.M. Alsing, H.A. Blair, "A geometric view of quantum cellular automata", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 84000S, (2012).
3. P.M. Alsing and J.R. McDonald "Nonlocality, entanglement witnesses, and supra-correlations", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 84000Y, (2012). 
4. C.J. Peters, M.L. Fanto, P.M. Alsing, A.M. Smith, T.P. Genda, R.K. Erdmann, E.J. Galvez, "A multipli-entangled photon source for cluster state generation", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 84000Z, (2012). 
5. A.M. Smith, D.B. Uskov, M.L. Fanto, L. Ying, L. Kaplan, "Theory and experimental requirements of imperfect two-qubit linear optical photonic gates", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 840015, (2012). 
6. A.M. Smith, "A multilayer three-dimensional superconducting nanowire photon detector", Proc. SPIE 8400, Quantum Information and Computation X, 84000L, (2012). 

QIS Publications 2011

2011: Journal Publications
1. P.M. Alsing, J.R. McDonald, W.A. Miller "The Simplicial Ricci Tensor", Class. Quantum Grav. 28, 155007 (2011).
2. A.M. Smith, D.B. Uskov, L.H. Ying, L. Kaplan, "Imperfect linear-optical photonic gates with number-resolving photodetection", Phys. Rev. A 84, 032341, (2011).

2011: Conference Proceedings
1. W.A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, G. Kreymerman, J.R. McDonald, C.C. Tison, "Quantum computing in a piece of glass", Proc. SPIE 8057, Quantum Information and Computation IX, 80570C (2011).
2. M.L. Fanto, R.K. Erdmann, P.M. Alsing, C.J. Peters, E.J. Galvez , "Multipli-entangled photon spontaneous parametric down-conversion source", Proc. SPIE 8057, Quantum Information and Computation IX, 805705, (2011).
3. R.K. Erdmann, M.L. Fanto, P.M. Alsing, C.J. Peters, E.J. Galvez, W.A. Miller, "Experimental limits on local realism with separable and entangled photons", Proc. SPIE 8057, Quantum Information and Computation IX, 805707, (2011).
4. P.M. Alsing, N. McDonald , "Grover's search algorithm with an entangled database state", Proc. SPIE 8057, Quantum Information and Computation IX, 80570R, (2011). 


S-E. Bak, P.M. Alsing, W.A. Miller, D. Ahn, "A noisy quantum channel model for the cosmological horizon in de Sitter spacetime", arXiv: 1909.13454 (2019).
S. M. Aslmarand, W.A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, V.S. Rana. "Quantum Reactivity: A Measure of Quantum Correlation", arXiv:1902.02391, (2019).
C.C. Tison, J. Schneeloch, P.M. Alsing, "Central Moment Analogues to Linear Optically Generated Cluster States", arXiv: 1708.07588 (2017).
D.B. Uskov, P.M. Alsing, M.L. Fanto, L. Kaplan, A.M. Smith, "Success rates for linear optical generation of cluster states in coincidence basis", arXiv:1306.4062 (2013).
J.R. McDonald, W.A. Miller, P.M. Alsing, X.D. Gu, X. Wang, S.T. Yau, "On exterior calculus and curvature in piecewise-flat manifolds", arXiv:1212.0919. (2012).

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