AFRL, New York Air National Guard enter operational research partnership 

  • Published
  • By Marc Denofio
  • Air Force Research Laboratory Public Affairs

A new partnership, formalized by a memorandum of understanding, has been forged between the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Information Directorate in Rome, and the 152nd Air Operations Group, or 152 AOG, part of the New York Air National Guard, to expand development, experimentation and integration of artificial intelligence/machine learning command and control capabilities.

"This partnership captures the pillars of our continued dedication to enhance warfighter capabilities, expand available technical options and deliver with impact," said Col. Fred Garcia, director of AFRL’s Information Directorate. "The proximity of our organizations will enable a fluid exchange of ideas and information that will deliver unparalleled advances to enable our Airmen and Guardians to act more rapidly." 

This partnership will support U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command requests to harness cutting-edge machine-intelligence research, and increase the speed of command and control, or C2. 

“Command and control is about decision superiority and this partnership will improve security and protection,” Garcia said. “The partnership will also allow for easier creation, integration and support of functionality, providing a more straightforward setup to enable better management and performance.”

Additionally, this partnership will scale operations supporting groundbreaking efforts like Joint All Domain Command and Control and the Advanced Battle Management System.

“This collaboration will use consistent operator-informed research and experimentation to more effectively streamline project development to produce warfighter-validated end-products,” said Lee Seversky, project lead for Autonomy Command and Control at AFRL’s Information Directorate.

The partnership will develop, execute and optimize a repeatable process to assess the utilization of emerging of artificial intelligence/machine learning command and control technologies and develop tactics, techniques and procedures that support next-generation concept of operations. 

"No single organization can coordinate and synchronize this required whole-of-Air Force approach,” said Dr. Mark H. Linderman, chief scientist of AFRL’s Information Directorate. “But collectively, we can develop and deliver high-impact effects for refinement, replication and redistribution to our warfighters.”

Additionally, the 152 AOG will lend operators and subject matter experts to support the AFRL Information Directorate's Autonomy Command and Control portfolio. They will also leverage AFRL's technical prowess in concert with their operational expertise to advance the Department of the Air Force's C2 enterprise. 

"Sometimes teamwork really does make the dream work," said Col. Kevin B. St. John, commander,152 AOG, New York Air National Guard. "The fact is, we accomplish more and attain greater results and benefits when we work together – when we indeed collaborate. Teamwork is a tool for achieving mission goals." 

About AFRL 

The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, is the primary scientific research and development center for the Department of the Air Force. AFRL plays an integral role in leading the discovery, development, and integration of affordable warfighting technologies for our air, space, and cyberspace force. With a workforce of more than 11,500 across nine technology areas and 40 other operations across the globe, AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development. For more information, visit:

About the 152nd Air Operations Group 

The 152 Air Operations Group (152 AOG), located in Syracuse, New York, directly augments the 603rd Air and Space Operations Center (603 AOC) at Ramstein Air Base Germany, the operational warfighting C2 node for the United States Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa. The 152 AOG boasts three squadrons of 130+ airmen with 20+ years of experience, integrated with the 603 AOC. Additionally, the 152 AOG subject matter experts are directly a part of the USAFE mission sets, joining today's operations with the latest tools available.