One of DIMO's team members, CDR Lowell work with the Estonian defense forces and civilian personal on providing better education on conducting ultra sound with patience's.



The Defense Institute for Medical Operations provides education to international military and civilian healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, laboratory, and paraprofessional workers in the healthcare arena) in the host country and in the United States. A train-the-trainer format is used whenever possible. Partnering with other services and other government and non-government agencies is possible and encouraged.
The courses offered by DIMO can be divided into six major areas of focus:  Health System Management, Bioterrorism / Chemical Radiological Threats, Medical Skills Training, Disaster Planning, Global / Public Health and Resident Courses.



    MASL D175466 - (E-IMET) Executive Healthcare Resource Management (Resident): 2 weeks, class size 15, ECL: 80
    • Healthcare systems, resource management and critical decision-making processes to improve access and quality of care
    • Audience: Military and government medical administrators
    MASL D175134 - (E-IMET) GBV & Women's Health (Resident): 5 days, class size 50, ECL: 70       
    • Domestic violence, sexual assault, child marriage and trafficking
    • Audience: Military leaders of women, peace and security programs, ministry of health, law enforcement and judiciary
    MASL D175467 - (E-IMET) HIV/AIDS Planning & Policy Development (Resident): 5 days, class size 50, ECL: 70           
    • National strategy for HIV program design and management, prevention screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of opportunistic infections, tuberculosis and special populations
    • Audience: Senior Mil-Civ in HIV policy and program development
    MASL D129069 - Disaster Planning-Developing National Emergency Management Capability: 10 days, class size 50           
    • Understand/apply four phases of Emergency Management and the value of working with internal and external partners
    • Demonstrate through exercises and facilitated discussions an understanding of an integrated emergency response plan
    • Audience: Junior/senior emergency managers, emergency response members requiring further subject matter training