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  • Latest Lab Life podcast launches with AFRL rocket man

    You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to go on Air Force Research Laboratory’s “Lab Life” podcast, but it does make for good conversation when one shows up.Especially when the guest is Nils Sedano, a rocket engineer and go-to historian type for the Lab who is comfortable switching gears from older

  • Long awaited launch of NASA’s GPIM mission to use AFRL-developed propellant

    ARLINGTON, Va. – NASA’s Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM) launched into space on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket early in the morning of June 25. GPIM will use, for the first time in space, a high-performance, environmentally benign “green” fuel developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory

  • Local students showcase STEM projects at AFRL event

    ROSSBURG, Ohio – Approximately 130 students and teachers from nine local schools participated in the Air Force Research Laboratory’s 7th annual Full Throttle STEM at Eldora Speedway May 14. Wearing t-shirts coded with school pride, the students, who ranged in age from 9 to 18, strode into the

  • LEGACY needs mentors as deadline approaches

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Educational Outreach office is looking for qualified mentors to apply to guide the Air Force’s next generation of science, technology, engineering and math professionals by March 29 as part of their Leadership Experience