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Tag: Associated Press
  • First Guardians from AFRL’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate inducted into Space Force

    Two Air Force Research Laboratory Company Grade Officers were recently inducted into the U.S. Space Force, the nation’s newest branch of the military. On July 23, Capts. Kenneth Ehrenberg and Cristian Hernández-Rivera became Guardians in the Space Force during a swearing-in ceremony at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
  • AFRL Materials Characterization Facility pushes state of the art

    The Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has recently renovated their materials characterization facility (MCF) to meet the ever-advancing needs of materials research. By renovating 3,700 square feet of existing laboratory space, the facility has been designed to keep pace with analytical research technology, thereby “future-proofing” it for the next generation of instrumentation, according to program manager Dr. Todd Butler. A ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 26 officially opened the new facility.
  • Hybrid nanomaterials hold promise for improved ceramic composites

    Researchers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are seeking to patent a novel process for manufacturing a type of material called preceramic polymer-grafted nanoparticles, or “hairy nanoparticles” (HNP).
  • Air Force and industry consortium announce workshop on telemedicine and medical electronics innovation

    In August 2020, the Air Force Research Laboratory, along with SEMI Nano-Bio Materials Consortium (NBMC), a global association of electronics design and manufacturing companies, will hold an open, virtual workshop series. Its purpose is to explore the continuing need for actionable, intelligent and real-time data to improve outcomes for remote sensing, monitoring and treatment. The annual workshop, which begins August 5, 2020, and continues in two-hour sessions on each successive Wednesday, will be the fourth such event held by the consortium. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is the first time it will be a virtual event.
  • Air Force collaboration leads to new method of triggering shape change

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The saying “form follows function” speaks to the obvious relationship between an object’s shape and its purpose, that is, how it will be used. It seems reasonable, then, if an object can change its shape, it can be used for a broader range of purposes. Researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory, in