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  • SpaceWERX announces Program Year 24.2 STRATFI selections at Fed Supernova

    SpaceWERX, the innovation arm of the U.S. Space Force and a unique division within AFWERX, announced the Program Year 2024.2 Strategic Funding Increase, or STRATFI, contract award selections from its Phase II-eligible applicants at the Fed Supernova conference in Austin, Texas, Aug. 22, 2024. DVIDS

  • SpaceWERX completes Innovate to Accelerate workshop

    EL SEGUNDO, Calif. - SpaceWERX completed the capstone event for its inaugural Innovate to Accelerate (I2A) program at the SpaceWERX hub at the BR-DGE, in El Segundo, California, April 25, 2024. I2A was a free 12-week intensive education program for SpaceWERX Tactically Responsive Space (TacRS) Small

  • SpaceWERX launches Tactically Responsive Space Challenge Definition Workshop

    LAS VEGAS – In an effort to generate new ideas and cutting-edge orbital defense technologies, SpaceWERX hosted a Tactically Responsive Space, or TacRS, Challenge Definition Workshop at the AFWERX Innovation Hub in Las Vegas, Nevada.These workshops provide military end-users with an opportunity to

  • AFWERX announces new mantra, mission, vision statements

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFRL) – AFWERX leadership announced a new mantra, mission and vision statement to its Airmen and Guardians in a virtual all-call May 18, 2023. “We changed some of the wording to talk about teaming leaders and innovation technology,” said Col. Elliott Leigh,

  • AFRL showcases key programs at 2023 Space Symposium

    The Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, will feature several space-related technologies and programs during the 38th Space Symposium at the Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 17-20, 2023.

  • AFWERX to attend South by Southwest conference

    Representatives from all four core divisions of AFWERX – Prime, Spark, AFVentures, and SpaceWERX – will be at the South by Southwest, or SXSW, conference March 10-19, 2023 in Austin, Texas. The Capital Factory, an entrepreneurial firm aimed at connecting innovative technologists and startups to a