First Lt. Jeremiah Williams, front, works in the “clean room” of the Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. Lt. Williams is a recipient of an Air Force Edison Grant, which allows active duty researchers to lead short, highly-focused projects, with their own money. (U.S. Air Force photo/Michael Ross)


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Fact Sheets

  • AFOSR - Engineering and Complex Systems

    The Engineering and Complex Systems team within the Engineering and Information Science Branch leads the discovery and development of the fundamental and integrated science that advances future air and space flight.

  • AFOSR - Funding Opportunities

    Funding OpportunitiesAs a part of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), AFOSR's technical experts foster and fund research within AFRL, universities, and industry laboratories to ensure the transition of research results to support USAF needs.To accomplish this task, AFOSR solicits proposals for

  • AFOSR - Funding Opportunities - Educational Programs

    The Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) provides opportunities for outstanding Air Force scientists and engineers (AF S&Es) to conduct full-time research at a non-government laboratory located within the USA.

  • AFOSR - Funding Opportunities - Special Programs

    Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program, Young Investigator Research Program (YIP), Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR), AFRL/AFOSR Center of Excellence.

  • AFOSR - History

    A Brief Organizational HistoryDownload the AFOSR 60th Anniversary Monograph for a comprehensive history of AFOSR and its contributions to scientific advancement.The wide-ranging and highly successful United States Air Force basic research program that exists today was born out of the need to address

  • AFOSR - How to Submit a Report

    The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is the central depository for technical reports written by and for the Department of Defense.

  • AFOSR - Information and Networks

    The Information and Networks Team within the Engineering and Information Science Branch is organized to support many U.S. Air Force priority areas including autonomy, space situational awareness, and cyber security.

  • AFOSR - Physical Sciences

    The Physical Sciences Team leads the discovery and transition of foundational physical science to enable air, space, and cyber power.

  • AFOSR - Research Areas

    AFOSR plans, coordinates, and executes the Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) basic research program in response to technical guidance from AFRL and requirements of the Air Force; fosters, supports, and conducts research within Air Force, university, and industry laboratories; and ensures

  • AFOSR - Social Media

    Welcome to the AFOSR social media directory! The directory is a one-stop-shop of official AFOSR social media pages across various social media sites.

  • AFOSR - Visiting Us

    AFOSR is located in a secure government building. All visitors must present a valid photo ID to security for entry.

  • AFOSR - Worldwide Offices

    To enhance AFOSR's research portfolio with the latest scientific and engineering advancements around the world, the International Office (AFOSR/IO) consists of four geographically strategic divisions.

  • AFRL - Career Field Options for AFRL Bench Scientists

    Expanded Developmental Opportunities Program, Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program, AFIT/AFRL Personnel Exchange Program, Non-supervisory/non-management official positions, Windows on the World, National lecturer with professional society

  • AFRL - Contracting

    The Air Force Research Laboratory, Directorate of Contracting mission is to establish, manage and support contracting policy for Science and Technology (S&T) acquisitions for the U.S. Air Force and Space Force.

  • AFRL/ACT3 - QuEST Talk Archives

    ACT3 is a group of experts within the Department of the Air Force leading the development of the Air and Space Force Cognitive Engine (ASCE), an AI network/business model with a single IT platform that operationalizes AI within the Air Force and Space Force. QuEST is focused on addressing the

  • AFRL/RI Information Institute ®

    The Air Force Research Laboratory's Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) and its Information Institute® (II) solicits faculty participation in the summer component of the Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP).

  • AFRL/RITQ - Trapped Ions

    AFRL’s trapped ion team investigates quantum mechanics and quantum information science with the long-term goal of constructing a quantum network made for processing and transmitting quantum information. Quantum networks can be used for a variety of tasks including secure communication, a network of